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catholic resources online

Here's a growing list of our favorite Catholic resources online:

General links:

For great Catholic content, including series, movies, and audio books, setup a FREE account on Formed! Go to:

The Bible in a Year Podcast from Fr. Mike Schmitz

The Catechism in a Year Podcast from Fr. Mike Schmitz

The Rosary in a Year Podcast with Fr. Mark-Mary

Perpetual adoration chapels online:

Watch daily Mass:

Daily Mass readings and reflection:

The Vatican website:  extensive coverage of the Pope, Vatican activities, and Catholic news; links to official church documents

EWTN Global Catholic Network —— devotions, kid’s content, documents, educational sites

Catechism of the Catholic Church— - an indispensable reference for all Catholics, searchable and online

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops——news, readings for the day, beliefs and teachings, and the complete Bible

The Pillar - Catholic news and commentary—News, commentary, liturgical resources; recommended by Father Cole! -Catholic news and commentary

Blogs, Catholic online magazines:—a ministry of The Paulist Fathers (or - stylish and spiritual—inspiring graphics, Bishop Robert Baron homilies, blogs - Resources from Matthew Kelly

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